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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  December 9, 2012 10:45pm-12:00am EST

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>> next, former speaker of the house country and represents the second book in this historical, the jury at yorktown. it's a little over an hour. >> good evening, everyone. my name is john hiatt bush and i had the honor of being executive director of the ronald reagan presidential foundation. and it's my pleasure to welcome all of you here in this rainy evening. in honor of our men and women in uniform to defend our freedom
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around the world, if you would please stand and join me for the pledge of allegiance. >> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america. and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. thank you, please be seated. >> before we get started i'd like to have guests tonight. a date to begin with a welcome to one of the members of our board of trustees and the former governor of the state of california, pete wilson. governor. [applause] also with us tonight is our terrific congressman from houston guy really is retiring after 26 years.
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[applause] are scum her supervisor, foy. [applause] for the city who are patient enough to go through the book signing line, just prior to the event this evening coming in at this wonderful woman to see woman is here with us today. she's the best selling "new york times" best-selling author. it is a gentleman, please join me in welcoming calista gingrich. [applause] we have with us tonight a very special guest. i know that if i were simply to get the typical dinner circuit introduction speaker did newt gingrich, the one where you list every accomplishment. i promise you it he here all
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night and even newt would get bored. his list of achievements and politics is involvement of lifelong learning. his expertise in national security matters, business ventures, philanthropic endeavors, dozens of books he's written just the list goes on and on. allow me for the moment to present that all of us here are well acquainted with the important milestones in the life of one newt gingrich. i want to focus in some part on the future. but i sincerely hope is misplaced and it as it relates to ideas. so let me explain. it is no secret to anyone here that the party of abraham lincoln and ronald reagan took a beating three weeks ago. republicans plus the bottle as well as seats in both the house and senate. most are still stinging badly for that defeat. i know there's a first index
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earrings as many seem to be visiting the reagan library in what seems to be a class. a quest to remember a great president and remind themselves of these ideals, his optimism and what he did to inspire americans to greatness. we should remind ourselves that while our 40th president had the uncanny ability to reach into the heart and minds of americans, who was ronald reagan himself who said, quote, i was in a great communicator. i communicated great things. today, we can recognize that great things spring from great ideas. it can also take heart as leaders in our time, like speaker newt gingrich who have great contributions to make in the way of such ideas. there's plenty of precedent here. when was elected communist party
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lacked like the republican party today was in the wilderness. jimmy carter occupied the white house and the house and senate were safely democrat hands. with the election of president reagan in 1980, republicans took control of the white house and the senate. but in the house where newt gingrich went to work each day, he was badly outnumbered. i worked as a hill staffer for a congressman whose author was only steps away from newt's. i can history of our representatives like newt, the minority was often a lonely place. the republicans had held the majority there since 1954 and there was not a soul alive who could ever imagine the republican majority again. except for newt. there's no seniority, but a
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tireless work ethic, dedication and mind filled with ideas. it is newt gingrich or sat in the back benches of congress and methodically devised a strategy over several years to make the republican party party of ideas once again. in this newt who devised the famous contract with america. a plan that gave republicans more to run against in historic 1994 elections. he gives them something to run for. in this newt to rally the faithful behind these ideas and to pack the house after 40 years on the minority. this newt who helped end of your passage of welfare reform and balanced budgets during his time as speaker of the house. he's been on a national stage a percent, pushing america and the conservative is that a word with these ideas. so ladies and gentlemen, i beg you to join me in welcoming to the library, speaker newt
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gingrich. [applause] [applause] [applause] >> thank you all very, very much. it's always an honor to be back at the reagan library. i want to thank john hi bush did a great shot peterson at providing leadership on a day-to-day basis. the degree to which this library is a model of educating young people is really remarkable and a lot of that goes to the mag entity candidate fundraising
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ability. john, thank you for your work. [applause] i hope all of you will join me and keeping mrs. reagan in your prayers. she's a remarkable woman who spent a lifetime serving this country and we all cherish her as she continued to play a role at the library. i could come here and not mention nancy for at least a moment. i also want to say, governor, it's great to be back with you. we did a lot of things over the years have been mayor of san diego to u.s. senator, to governor to a leader and a variety of ways. and the tequila scrape people who represent a willingness to serve their state in an important way. it's always engaged when you rub there. thank you poker serving the country. it really does make a difference. it's great to be back here.
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[applause] i did maybe with us, but were thrilled to have you. we have an american legacy book tour. our very fond of the library as you know someone made a movie called ronald reagan and i want to recognize tonight kevin knobloch and his wife randi. or i was thrilled to be a cabin because such a great job. so we come back to the reagan library from a unique background and you may wonder why we talk about an american legacy book to her. you may wonder why calista has created an alliance to introduce four to eight euros american history and wife witnessed many novels as i have about american history. the best person who could explain to american history being that the reagan library
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was president reagan. we want to show you part of president reagan's farewell address. this captures purposely why we have an american legacy book tour. >> there's a great tradition of warnings presidential farewells. i've got one that's been on a mind for sometime time. oddly enough it starts with one of the things i'm proudest of in the past eight years. the resurgence of national pride that i called the new patriotism. this national feeling is good, but it will count for much and it won't last unless it's grounded in thoughtfulness and knowledge. an informed patriotism is what we want. for doing a good job teaching our children what america is and what she represents in the long history of the world. those of us over 35 grew up in a different america.
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we were taught very directly what it means to be an american. we've gone a love of country and appreciation of this institution. if you didn't get these things from the family, you got them from the neighborhood and the father down the street to come in korea and the family allows anthea appeared he can get a sense of patriotism from school. if all else failed, you can get a sense of the churches were the culture. the movie to the idea that america was special. tv was like that to you through the 60s. now we're about to enter the 90s and some things have changed. younger parents are sure that an unenviable appreciation of america to teach america. for those who create the popular culture from a well grounded patriotism is no longer the style. our spirit is back, but we
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haven't institutionalized. we've got to do a better job of getting across that america is freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of enterprise and freedom is special and rare. they needs production. so we've got to teach history based not on what's in fashion, but what's important. what those 30 seconds over tokyo meant. four years ago on the 40th anniversary of d-day, i read a letter from a gallup woman writing to her late father who fought on omaha beach. her name is lee says amanda and she said we will always have him or her. we will never forget, but the boys of normandy did. let's help her keep her word. if you forget what we did, we won't know who we are.
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i'm warning of an eradication of the american memory that could result ultimately in adoration of the spirit. the service in a six. more attention to history and civic ritual. all great change in america begins at the dinner table. so in the kitchen i hope the talking begins. if your parents had been teaching you what it means to be an american, let her know and nail them on it. that would be a very american thing to do. [applause] >> i want to thank staff here at the library because i called this afternoon and i said, you know, i've been speaking how to introduce this talk that occurred to me as to quote
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reagan if i could get reagan to quote reagan. i think all of you will now agree that there's a power of what he did and how he did it just remarkable. i think that's at least 50% of the explanation randomness we are in. those of us conservative black the courage to take on the school board committee teachers union, the academic elites, news media, entertainment culture. when we ceded ground which has crippled the country sandor standing and part of what we've done with alice sent in my case and writing novels to get across the american people as a country worth knowing and you know it by learning its history. he become an american. can claim genetic patterns, geographies. somalia, china, mexico.
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in calista's case, her parents came, her grandparents came from switzerland and poland and in my case from places like scotland and ireland. you can learn to be an american. to do that, you have to learn to be an american. do you have an academic elites and news media elite who were opposed to teaching how to be an american company literally cut off the lifeblood of this country. so that's the basis of what we've been doing and that's why we have an american legacy to her. ..
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and sense i've written three novels on george washington, what a better pattern than to weave these giants, ronald reagan, after whom the soviet empire disappeared, and george washington after whom he can a country. what are the lessons of history? it will study the history because it is an interesting have it. i studied history to better understand present and the
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future so that i can be engaged in making history by being an intelligent person. that is what citizenship ought to be. and so what are some of the lessons klaxon not me start with the fiscal cliff i want to say something like the contract for america, the balanced budget, welfare reform. ronald reagan's supply-side economics, i'm proud of the number of things that made no sense in washington. there is no fiscal clef. this is absolute total nonsense. the best way to understand what happens to all of us is to write
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a great essay by thomas wolfe entitled of the flag catchers. this goes back i think to the 60's when he first wrote this. now, she's trying to describe the particular pattern in san francisco in which the welfare department has figured out all of the senior to the to be on the second floor of the office hiding from the people they served screening the people who are mad and the samoan community in san francisco having figured out the game was and so we have six foot five and 6 feet six summer winds carrying the traditional war close and they
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would walk up to the front desk and say i want to see the boss and a staff person would say we are not supposed to let you see the boss and they would start to hit the floor. so we would have a normal sized person staring at him and thinking to himself do they pay me enough for the next part of this? thomas wolfe is one of the greatest observers of the american scene in our generation. he never read this if you go back because we are revisiting everything. everything that is described in his great early essays where we visited because the left has continued to retreat and metastasize and become more than was first described. instead of being the local samoa
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into the local san francisco office, it is the national news media and the fiscal cliff, fiscal cliff and if you are an intelligent politician and you walked out to do a press conference what i say to you which is a fiscal clef is a fantasy. we accept whatever obama wants dhaka duty triet if you want to with the fiscal cliff requires, much like the land of oz with the person hiding behind the machines to raise taxes now and they violated the fiscal cliff. t want to stand up and provide america the fiscal clef, do you want to go on the national and explain that you are so reactionary and out of touch with life that you don't care that america is going to die
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late on their state? it's all right if that is the kind of person that you are. you will never be on television because after all, you are clearly weird. [laughter] let me start with the fiscal cliff right here and say there is no fiscal cliff. conservatives and republicans are demoralized. get over it. we did a number of stupid things. they were smarter than we work, work harder than we did, fought longer than we did, did some clever things. ronald reagan, one of the most important single statements is february, 1975 in washington that the conservative political action committee meeting. now, i was part of this. i have no sense of timing. so i picked one. [laughter] ayman georgia. i have a strange accent, a weird
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name. this was beyond not clever. [laughter] this is light don't give me money, pay for the therapy. [laughter] in december of 1974 the republican party i.t. was at 17%. and the serious talk was the party going to be replaced? it was nonsense that was serious talk and i was a part of the group that came out of the wreckage and began reading the republican national committee and doing national analysis of what went wrong. there's the commercial called republicans are people, too peery when you are in that troubled the commercial says i am a person, too, you know that you are deeply moving.
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it was in this environment ronald reagan went and said we need a bold colors, no pale pastels and he was throwing down a ball side. he said don't tell me you have a sellout, don't tell me you have a case, don't tell me you are going to do whatever the left wants. there are moments in history when you draw the line and fight we have a huge number of state legislatures. we are supposed to create a caucus in order to be socially acceptable in washington that's the current reform in washington. how much do we need to surrender so he won't be to me anymore? in terms of my that scuttling
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the second time i ran jimmy carter was the head of the democratic ticket. and i remember it was the best campaign technically i ever ran and it felt really good towards the end in these moments when everything feels right because you are the candidate in the middle. so i went in to vote in the library on election day, 1976 and very proud that jimmy carter was the nominee. i found myself standing in line behind people that have come from the nursing home to get revenge from sherman's march to georgia. [laughter] >> i thought to myself how likely is it that after the vote for jimmy carter they will split
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their tickets for the yankee born army brat on the republican side? and i thought this is going to be long evening. and it was. i went from 48.5% in the delegation in 1974 to 48.3% in 1976 barely enough to survive. carter approved the left hand by 1978. when i came to washington, the democrats had been so dominant from 1973 and on looking for the republicans to beat up hoping not to be noticed and distorted in 1978 and literally banded together and went to the house to find democrats to beat up. and we pick fights with them.
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i'm talking about the date. i want to make that clear so nobody says gingrich advocates beating of democrats. [laughter] have to be very careful how these things spread. but i do agree passionately with margaret thatcher's will first you in the argument and you win the vote so we have people who go to the floor regularly and start debating. and after a while, the democrats stop coming to the floor because they understand there are more of us who are prepared to debate and we studied it every week because we didn't have to govern. they were winning the house. the minority is still going when he switched sides and became the republican. if you are the majority you have to have an idea to hold hearings and mark up the bill and go to the conference with the senate and get something done. if you are the minority you get to go. [laughter]
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>> hon. that becomes a self perpetuating metal. and more or less i would say house republican is to get a grip. they are the majority, they are not the minority. they don't need to cave in to obama or four may surrender caucus. the senators will do what ever senators do. it is an institution on which individual with a totally dominates team work to feed each senator is a unique figure and somehow fashions out what they are going to do. you are not going to in the short run in the minority organize the senate republicans in terms of actually being able to do something positive you organize and do - things which route to get them to magically come up with a formula there will always be five or six different versions depending on how many centers are in the room. on the house side there is the situation you are the majority. you control the schedule.
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you control the committees. you control the hearings. and so, my number one and fais to the republicans is simple. back out of all of the negotiating with obama. the president is overwhelmingly dominant in the news media. you start setting up the definition of success, finding the win with obama to give the ability to say to you not good enough. we send welfare reform three times and see to it the first three times. we didn't start by reaching an agreement. we started by doing something. but the house republicans would say to every subcommittee and there are a ton of some committees every one of you is going to hold hearings on the we stand government. so why don't you go back home and create 1-800-waste. there are probably a letters in
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their. or to put it on the line which is a better way to do it and have it available in a variety of other format and say look you send us everything we should hold hearings on how many americans do you think will try one or two or three items of waste that they would be willing to suggest to the congress hearing? so in the first day of 5 million suggestions. they can say this is what he wants to raise taxes for. somebody said to me to days ago there estimate is that the effort, the federal emergency management agency effort and new jersey has 1 dollar in the waste it may be old high or a little bit low it gives a flavor and it was certainly true in katrina. so you start saying to yourself let's have a discussion about how many billions have been thrown away on bad loans and solar panels. let's have a discussion about
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why we are still sending money to egypt. let's have a discussion about how much money is being wasted by the various agencies and less of a discussion on whether or not we want to give the epa this money to enact a radical program. now we have a different conversation but instead the president in the news media have magically gotten the republicans into an argument over taxes. and then i give obama great credit for this to revive never seen anybody better at finding to field distractions in order to live with responsibility. [applause] let me say to give you a 2012 variation on ronald reagan's the 51975 bold colors pastels it isn't a winning formula for the republican party. [applause]
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flights start of the media operates in collaboration with the white house first to create panic. you are going to run off the fiscal cliff unless you do what you're told to do and you are a bad person if you ask a question what is the fiscal cliff and will america be dramatically different on gentry second if we just hold our breath and see what happens. second, moved to destruction. the destruction is grover norquist. i've known grover norquist for a long time. i think that he is a fine person. there is no elective office. and in fact he wasn't elected president. so we have the president of the united states who was responsible for figuring out how to solve the problems who has not offered a single serious cost-cutting measure. tell me what you think barack obama is going to do to say i
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need a yes vote on this. he's gotten as worried about whether grover norquist now defines the republican party. because as we all know, if we are not worthy of the news media respect we are a party that will disappear. listen to the tone of the language when you watch the morning show or even fox and friends or this whole schtick. grover did something very important. he came up with the idea of the new tax increase pledge as a way of drawing the line in the sand and let me be clear about my background in the tax increases under ronald reagan i voted against the tax increase of george h. w. bush that it was a
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disaster, fundamental mistake coming and when we balanced the budget for four straight years, we did it by cutting taxes to accelerate economic growth. so i clearly represent a different view. [applause] but i have no problem if somebody wants to break their new tax pledge. if they are prepared to go home and explain them but this idea that they are treating this posturing and several senators upset i'm not afraid of grover norquist might as well put in the record i'm not afraid of grover norquist. there are circumstances where you raise taxes. ronald reagan, we have this great video reagan said at one point my feet are in concrete.
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and he could get away with going to the conference one morning and saying the sound you are hearing is concrete breaking. as the governor he concluded in order to make the state's requirements he had no choice. but in the cost he was totally up front in a totally honest and he went to the people of california and said it's a bigger mess than i thought it was. i can't fix it any other way. i think we have to do this. but she did that after creating a connection which fundamentally cut the cost and dramatically cut spending. ronald reagan to the caribbean was raising the taxes for the government. they figured out if he needed their must be really serious. what we have today is no innovation camano reform, no new thinking, no creativity, no hearings on waste or hearings of better ways of doing this. you live in the age of the
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ipad and the iphone and google and facebook and trevor and face the federal government that runs up the pace. [laughter] and you have no serious effort in either party to overhaul the system. in that sense we are told by people that are running a disaster we need more of your money to prop up the disaster, we can't reform, and it is a bipartisan failure. now i want to talk about how washington would have dealt with this. washington is a remarkable person. i think that he was the most important single american and all of us stand on his shoulders and i think we wouldn't have won the american revolutionary war without him and we will not have gotten in the constitution without him and we might not have been able to find an orderly system. and we all stand on his
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shoulders. washington is very the gun listening to people who actually knew what they were doing. and it was a very specific narrow way. i'm not against the people who know more about you do on the topic. it's the consultants that no less than you do so you feel secure because you paid somebody else. so washington, for example, in the second clinton campaign needs advice, calls the council on war and there are two people who are not a part of his military. their local farmers and i was the longest serving teacher and the military, 23 years, talking about the art of the war and i was would always tell the generals and the admirals' we
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had these people in the room there were farmers that actually knew the neighbor and they were the only to people in the room that knew that there was a sunken road south of clinton and you could go from trenton to princeton and the british army but not see you. they were not there for social reasons, they represented the only to people that knew what they were doing. and so, you have something that you see almost none of today, and that is a person that is prepared to reach out to the person that knows. i spend years, literally years trying to convince the government on the republican and the democratic party that we had between 70 to $110 billion. my sources were very straightforward, american express, visa or mastercard.
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if you have in medicare and medicaid the same level fraud you get, you would say somewhere between 70 to $110 billion a year without raising taxes, and without punishing any honest person. they don't fit the congressional budget office model condra not in the dhaka see, they have these weird private sector ideas, they want to use computers. [laughter] there is a whole series of weird things about this. and that's where we are. we are a country that could solve virtually all of its problems. if you read -- and i want to close the spec to washington for a second because i am frankly giving they're not the country listening to republicans and democrats bellyache. now, can you imagine industry novels in washington, crossing
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the delaware christmas night to march 9 miles in the dark that has shrunk in from 30,000 to 2500 of the 2500, one out of every three do not have boots. there were in the burlap bags on their feet and so they are saying i don't know what i will do. can you imagine if the had brought in this consultant? >> if you want to see a congress that is truly incompetent, don't rely on the current model, they
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are amateurs but that is in the continental congress. 14,000 soldiers crossing into the valley that is called jolly forge promised that they would have money and supplies and equipment to build cottages. the of one act for 14,000 people to the valley forge is always hard to be free. it's always difficult and washington moving through the most bitter winter in the army transformed the army by building the car bringing in to innovate and teach european military tactics and the prussian officer who understands the most important thing, americans aren't europeans. we see this to the current congress and the news media. we are not spain or greece, we are not totally messed up.
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there's a country that gets the government to quit screwing that we would do fine over the next 20 years. [applause] imagine the consultant's report. if they cannot and said no we have easily the the situation and you have one act and 14,000 people. you think this is that? [laughter] you think you should be deeply depressed, then consider quitting to the congress that isn't doing well to be worthy of a couple hundred it doesn't deserve your loyalty. why don't you go home. >> these people wanted to be free. and they are prepared to die. when they cross the delaware on christmas night in a desperate last effort before the army seizes to exist, the slogan, the
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password is a victory or death, and they meant it. it wasn't victory or i will cry for six weeks. it wasn't a victory or not going to watch fox news for a month. it wasn't a victory i think i will pout. [laughter] these people were really passionate. about the idea that freedom was the right god had given them and they were not going to fail god by giving it up and finally we get to yorktown. it is an extraordinary gamble. washington can't win the war by direct assault. he's sitting out into the navy has so much power that he can't capture manhattan. one ship of the line had more artillery firepower than the entire american army. people forget how powerful the
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ships were so she's sitting there and at that time there are no helicopters and no cars and no television and no computers he gets a note from the french army that is sitting and says the admiral of the french navy sitting in the caribbean believes he could come north for six weeks now, the entire upper kennedy was created because washington had the courage a year earlier to send a one-third of his army to the south to fight general cornwallis. he won the victory in greensburg north carolina that cost him so much that he said to his staff to more victories like this and we will not have an army left and they were just gradually tearing up his army and he retreats to yorktown in despair expecting the navy to save him.
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washington has gotten this note. the french march river to new york and the general says i am under your command. they manage to mask the british in manhattan so they don't know that he is on the move and they think that he is still sitting there and they have a four or five day headstart. washington has to raise enough money to pay the army to get it to keep moving. that's how close this is. the only time in the entire war that washington is described as intensely emotional is the warning that he sees the french fleet where he is described as acting as though he were crazy. dancing and yelling and screaming with tears coming down his eyes because he has gambled everything. she had no way of knowing if they would show up. and they were there and the british were not and cornwallis' surrender, the band plays the world turned upside down, and it
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was. they can to the library tonight and the placement for man who believe in freedom so much that the soviet empire disappeared and i can to talk about the land of his shoulders we stand, george washington, and i would say to each one of you and a free person, every republican in the entire country and every conservative in the country, find the courage to live up to the endowment your creator has given you. you are in doubt with liberty and the right to pursue happiness. it comes from god and therefore you have the responsibility to respond to that endowment. to get there you can do what ronald reagan and george washington did. they understood margaret thatcher's rules for stephen the argument then you win the vote. george washington denied that they were marching to climb on the votes in the snow storm had
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his officers greeted the opening pages of thomas kane's latest pamphlet which washington had asked him to write. he was the great pamphleteer with common sense and describe the declaration of independence and now it was turning out to be really hard. in july of 1776 had turned into a bitter and painful depressing and demoralizing series of defeats. when washington had the crisis which begins these are the times as washington said the first to win the argument then you in the war. people had to believe. i just came here tonight to say to you we have no reason to despair, no reason to back off, no reason to surrender but you
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have every reason to behave as americans. i look forward to questions. [applause] [applause] so, the speaker has been kind enough to give us a few minutes for questions and answers and all i ask is if you have one you raise your hand. there are people in the aisles with microphones if you can wait until we get a microphone in your hand so everyone can hear, that would be great. we will start over here. >> first of all mr. speaker and the like to congratulate you and thank you for coming out and for being the man in their a reena
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to fight the good fight. we don't of -- we appreciate that. [applause] and i agree with you we haven't lost lost the war we've lost the battle and have to continue to fight. some of the things we should do and should think about going forward is one, we need to make sure that the constitution is followed. and it should be called out when they don't follow the constitution. we cannot rule by executive fiat. i also think that they are doing a wonderful job by starting the education in the schools because i think that that is where we need to start a long-term plan of 30 to 40 years of turning around. because we need to educate people, not indoctrinate them. and i think we need to go after the media. and i would like to see you come up with something along the lines of the contract with america. maybe the contract of we the people come to define the conservatives, conservatism, and to lay out clearly like you did
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before to the american people and i think that we can win and conquer again. thank you. [applause] thank you. >> i sincerely appreciate your intellect. i would like to ask you on the terms of the immigration debate that seems problematic those people that are coming into the nation whose restrictions in the country are to violate the law. are we running the risk of inculcating a culture with this population and i will certainly like to have your thoughts on this problem and solve this issue by adamle strengthening the country but hopefully avoiding the further demise. >> what ever series we find on immigration has to include the control and include some kind of a worker permit system which is actually rigorously enforced.
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that is i happen to think we are going to end up with some kind of system that has people that are a resident and who have a work permit they are not on the path to citizenship at some point you have to be practical about what is doable but i think it's very important to ensure as you build that what you have now and i don't think people that show up here as we refuse to control the border and refused to identify who you are and refused to police ourselves, and refused to do anything that we find we are here to tell you you are stiffer taking advantage of the richest country in the world is to say to you please come and exploit me. so, i think to some extent we have to reestablish -- [applause] we have to reestablish a world of law, and the importance which are to make in the the date which i think has had a significant impact for our side in solidifying the degree to which people about the positions that made no sense, number one
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we are not going to deport grandmother. some of you may disagree with that, but i will guarantee you if you look at the country as a whole the idea that we go out and find grandmothers and deport them, the churches will protect them, their families will protect them now conservatives shouldn't play the ball better fantasies. there is an obligation to down conservatism and reality. so i'm not for citizenship for people that come here illegally but for figuring out a path to the residency against people who pay taxes and get them to be within the law and to be not exploited and in this sort. we lost them by a bigger margin than latinos. this cannot be a gift problem as one of our leaders described it.
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because asians are the hardest working most educational oriented and by the we economically most successful group in america. so, people stand around and say okay give me a gift. but you walk in and say why i want to talk to you about economic liberty the first have to couch your grandmother point all of those that believe in families understand that is a really hard barrier. it's tricky in the rest of the conversation because then we say no, we are not going to deal with you. and somebody has got to have the guts in our party and in our movement to stand up and say i am for a conservatism that enforces the law within a framework of the reality, and i am for conservatism which is based on the facts, and i think that is going to require that we find some way to say i totally and for enforcing the law for where we are this morning or this evening i want to impose and i am prepared to be very tough about it. i'm afraid to say to employers
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once there is a 24/7 instant verification model based on the atm card you hire somebody that isn't here illegal and they are red hammer you economically. but i think people will buy that. you can create a contract that works but what you can't do is continue to go down this road of trying to find a contract that is impossible and isolating yourself from the country in a way that guarantees the left will control because with the left wants is a limited illegal immigration who've rendered to the citizens in both. that is the fundamental difference. speaking california it is virtually impossible deal to -- due to the demographics and the registration to head of republicans collected to federal offices and to the governorship. this demographic is becoming
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more and more important every election. how can we do something about that? in the election and in the future? >> it's a great question and theodore roosevelt in the 80's decides he wants to go into politics. roosevelt came from a very aristocratic family, went to harvard, was independently wealthy and all of his social friends said to him what are you doing? and he said i'm going to the german and the irish bars. they said how can you do that? there are germans and irishman. [laughter] roosevelt said political power in the city is decided in those saloons you can sit up here in your penthouse all you want, but
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i want to be in the room where the decision is made. i will take your word demographic. and this is where i so deeply disagree with our consulting class and with one of the comments of the last nominee. i don't see demographic problems. what do you think of what asian-americans want? they want a good education for their kids. they're passionate about their children. they love their children. the invest heavily in their children, more heavily than any other ethnic group in america. what kind of future? just had a survey that i saw this morning. guess what the number one validation of achievement is that is seen by the college students today and we say this to them 25, after years from now how do you know you'll was successful? -- you will be successful? only half. so if they could be close to the
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subway so they wouldn't need a car which is a terrible thing that gives them independence, can you imagine how depressing would be to know that obama's vote is to have a home and have positions, be economically independent? we as a party to humble ourselves. i tell the story about washington and the farmers for a practical reason. we need to relax and actually listen to the people of california. you think the average latino likes to fight that the unified is a disaster? they like the fact that sacramento is owned by the lobbyist? you think there's a thrill to pay higher and higher taxes for fewer and fewer jobs? they don't have any sense that they are allowed to have a conversation with us. that may be searched with a string of sitting down in the states saying tell me about your dreams, tell me about your dreams. i think he would be shocked to
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read and become a distributor by can't use the guy's name, he's a democratic consultant, and it wouldn't be fair to him because he told me one night he had to be hired by the traditional party which run mexico since 1929. she went down -- this was just before the reform to get. he went down because they were in deep trouble and the one to the clever american advice. he said you know we have a little problem. it's called corruption. and the guys he was talking to were the ones that were corrupt. [laughter] and they said to him -- she said this is his description, not mine. he said they were smoking cigars in this room and they said you don't understand this. people don't mind corruption. he said let me get this straight. you think the average mexican
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debts and goes to work and for all that the idea to of the five days of salary will be stolen by some fat machine politician that is out of touch? so they lost the election and there is a message there. people don't come to america to recreate bad government. they are watching sacramento reinvent the really bad government. [applause] >> we have time for about two more questions right here. >> thank you for coming, mr. speaker. i really was looking forward to you debating dhaka. that would have -- that would have been amazing. one of the things that was really noticeable and palpable in the last year of the
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presidential debate in the candidates was the lack of media object to the and as a media person what you said just for this next wave on the television and loggers in order to come back and the sickly silence this mainstream media that we have today? [applause] >> i do a fair amount of policing. [laughter] but my first question as republicans look at this and i just started the productions would be a six month project of reviewing and trying to learn the lesson at a much deeper level than you would get from the current wave of the analyst because the of the presidential elections in the popular vote and remember the minority of the vote in 2000 and the
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underperforming the presidential election in 2000 for the weakest incumbent re-election in american history. there's something that i just wrote a newsletter that you can get that set the r word isn't romney, is republican. this isn't about how he loses, it is about a party that i think has failed to become a modern effective party. the answer i would suggest is a national committee were to create a set of dates that are hosted by the republicans. and then we tell the media -- i participated and we had a great time here at the library with the truth is you ended up in the library on example you ended up with left wing moderator's who think their center because everybody that we know is to their left these are not people who think they are biased
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questions if you want to go back and analyze the questions and we are putting together a fascinating case study which some of you will remember george stephanopoulos asked this question about the 1963 griswold versus connecticut supreme court involving contraception. i guarantee you -- because i was there every republican candidate in the date has gone what? we learned a few weeks later that he had apparently been briefed and this was the beginning of the war on when to leave to women in which we discovered the law students that were not able to afford their own contraception have to have as a part of the new socialist model free contraception otherwise they will be deprived which was a symbol that we saw one article yesterday that "time" magazine maintain her as the person of the year conwell of course because after all she symbolized more than anyone else the total dishonesty with which the won the election.
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she's the perfect symbol of our incompetence. they clearly had a strategy, and george stephanopoulos launched a strategy. why would you want to set the date and invite the of 13? we will make a deal. sean hannity, rush limbaugh and comparable people to host the the dates. [applause] and yet we continue to pretend that the news media is neutral. the news media to send to the left. so you have to start of the fundamental level of rebuilding. there is a big problem in california where you need to have a serious effort to create a conservative internet based political medium because there is no effective coherent public in california and it makes it very hard. [applause]
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>> last question appear in the balcony. >> i went to start with the last christmas with my best christmas ever. you're 40 points ahead in the polls. i told my family no gifts, no anything, my favorite politician. so thank you for a great christmas to start off. and then going ahead more controversial here i did vote for romney people started getting angry to follow up with that a deal like the gop establishment forced romney on us and if you did when you are campaigning how did you feel about that? and how difficult was that knowing that is what they were doing? >> first of all i don't think that there is a republican establishment who has looked at this and the notion that somewhere in the country is a club with the establishment gathers. that romney spent six years running for president.
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he was very good at what he was good at which was raising money, which was how she had earned a living. he was a finance guy that spent his career being a finance guy and he knew lots of finance guice. they got together and they talked finance stuff is sounded good to them. this is our kind of guy. he's a sincere honest guy and frankly smart. he lost the election that i would argue any of us would have had a hard time winning because we were in an overmatched read we were a midsize college team being dropped into the super bowl and we don't understand this yet. the obama people never quite. they kept our offices opened in 09 and ten and 11 and there were 53 offices in north carolina alone. this is why i am doing this six month study of the productions which i have entitled lessons to learn. we don't have lessons to learn
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right now. when we see these guys on tv that wasted millions of dollars as consultants, explaining what they now think, but what you know as they don't. [laughter] because they haven't taken enough time to learn anything. this is a serious crisis of the conservative movement in the republican party because if we don't figure out the new game we aren't going to be competitive but is so serious it is because we will nominate a clever person as the appropriate ethnic background and it articulates better than met. he got what became got which is bob dole got and bush got running for the reelection. that is a fact. and unless we look at the california republican party finding the right individual is going to turn of the largest stake in the country sounds like
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a serious deep fundamental rethinking now. unfortunately i have been around for so long. i was there for the rebound after goldwater that took a total of four years and i was there for the rebound after watergate that took six years. i was there after george bush lost in '92 which took two years, and i was there after they lost the house and 06 which took four years. so he said to me and my strategically optimistic? sure. the world isn't going to be kind to obama. they will have plenty of mistakes. the challenge is not what they will do wrong. the challenge is whether we are prepared to slow down, think, have honest arguments and figure out what we need to do. if we do that, the country will be just fine. thank you very, very much. [applause]
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>> from albany new york we hear about the state mandated new york state reuters institute. the program promotes cultural initiatives to the author presentations, workshops, film screenings and more. >> just as vividly before me. i'm the director of the new york state writers institute. and what we do, but i do in this intellectual cut we bring a lot of writers through to albany and to do other types of writing workshops and films and programs
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with young writers in the institute. >> my life the last few years was i suppose you'd call that adventuress this room and everything. >> they find the best writers that we can and bring them to albany to the particular place, and i can't think of any of their organization, even some of the better known ones in the major cities that have such a regular creative talent coming true low-cost to the public with our open door policy. so we bring the world to albany. so all of these people that were in this basis our people that have come from far and wide to
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read it to the general public. we have had the most recent has gotten us up to at least ten or probably even nobel laureates, and we actually used to teach at albany to most recently south african writer and people like the nigerian writer or the caribbean writer. the names go on, but along the way we archived by video and audio all of the people that have come through, so we have left a footprint, they have left a footprint, and the institute
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was founded in 1973 and officially became the new york state writers institute and in 1984 over the years we have had more than a thousand riders. >> my sister was a rabid conservative who actually worked at the double use this convention and she couldn't get a room so she actually ended up staying with me. she brought a sign she was holding that said w. stands for women. [laughter] i said you can stay this time has to go. >> as a result, we had a very extensive archive of the writers and their readers and interviews with them and i guess we like to think of ourselves as perhaps becoming the c-span of literature and we will see what happens with that. but we are about to have the virtual research library and all
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of these videos were adios which collected over the years and the grand archive and the contemporary writing that they know in america. one of the things that helps is to be writers ourselves and know what makes a writer comfortable and to respect the writer that has come for a visit and not treat them like some sort of a side show and to engage that person in conversation. we often like to say, and joking among ourselves, that we invite them to dinner, and we just had this couple of public events that we decided to gather when it was public but what really happens is sitting down and having good conversation.
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it brings the raiders back. it's actually one of the things people most appreciate about the institute. they will respect those writers. you go to some literary meetings and you think i'm so glad that i got through that. when we catch the next plane out because of the reuters institute and you find yourself saying that was good. i hope they invite me back. >> we have the cases across the country and instead of going to see world and disneyland we would visit the historic sites so by the time i turned 15i visited monticello or truman's independence and got to read the home and go to the red cloud nebraska. so i think living on the road for a family that goes through the trailer got me very
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interested in american history. >> literature is a very important thing in the community. as my friend used as a writer is someone who has readers. it's a good simple line, but simple definition but that through the art form and enhancing that community and enhancing that general imagination makes having a writers institute not only a worthwhile thing that very important. and what we have done i think across the years is not only expose people to the accidental art work and writing in particular but dedicated people to become more discriminating, to become more effective judges by what makes something good
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come and people read, people buy books, this is a very book loving community and i think the writers institute has done a lot to enhance that to create the environment in which people can explore literature especially. i think that there are not enough programs like this around the country. i wish there were more in albany it is quite rich, and they are in that feedback loop with this. i don't think such an operation in the writers institute could have been created in the first place without them being a strong group of writers that formed the sort of dark to the columbia county where a lot of new york city riders have gone all the way to


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